About Us
The Natick Housing Authority manages 528 units of housing consisting of: 305 Elderly/Disabled, 89 Family, 20 Group Home Units, administers 102 Section 8 vouchers and 13 MRVP vouchers.
The Administrative offices are located in the Coolidge Gardens Building, at 4 Cottage Street in Natick, Massachusetts.
The five-member Natick Housing Authority Board of Commissioners oversees the Authority’s overall direction. Board Members approve all significant contract awards, make budget decisions, and send formal submissions to State and Federal agencies. They also make all major policy decisions and deal with many other important Authority matters.
Randy Waters, Executive Director works closely with the Board, Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) , U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Residents and Staff.
Our Vision
Our vision is for all residents to experience a sense of appreciation, security and a sense of belonging where they live and in their community. We create an environment for those of limited incomes giving them avenues to meet their basic needs by fulfilling their potential.
Our Mission
We provide affordable housing for very-low and low income families through effective management and wise stewardship of public funds and partnerships with the residents of the Natick Housing Authority and the Natick community, thus enhancing the quality of life.
Our Core Values
Dignity, respect, consideration and flexibility